Please find attached a letter which was sent home with your child today.
25th June 2019
Dear Parents
School Trip to Wood Lane, Ellesmere – Tuesday 2nd July
On Tuesday 2nd July the whole school will be travelling to The Wood Lane Nature Reserve at Ellesmere. We will be guided through a field trip by the Shropshire Wildlife Trust where we will be collecting rocks, plants and other natural materials.
The suggested clothing for this time of year is as follows:
- Sun hat and sun screen
- T-shirt or light cotton shirt with sleeves to protect the shoulders
- Light cotton trousers shorts and skirts are NOT suitable for woodland
- Socks and trainers or wellingtons sandals without toe protection are NOT suitable
- Waterproof coat
The children will be travelling to and from the venue by bus – leaving school at 9am and returning by the end of the school day. Your child will require a packed lunch and drinks. Could we please ask that to try to make the packed lunch as ‘eco friendly’ as you possibly can by reducing the amount of plastic used.
Please return the permission slip below to school before 2nd July.
Yours faithfully,
School Secretary
Trip to Wood Lane Nature Reserve, Ellesmere
Leaving School 9.00am – Returning before the end of the school day
I am happy for my child to attend the above trip and note that they will be travelling to and from the event by bus. I also note they will need a packed lunch and appropriate clothing.
Child’s name: …………………………………………………………. Signed: …………………………………………………………….