School Eisteddfod and Bake Sale – Wednesday 26th October

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On Wednesday 26th October at 1.30pm we will be holding a school eisteddfod and bake sale.

Children will be perfoming on the stage in the village hall. They are learning Welsh songs and poems in preparation.

There is also an art competition, which local artist Mary Cunnah will be judging. Pupils have been instructed on the criteria for the competition and will be expected to make a pencil drawing of a corner of a room of their choice (at home), then bring their drawing into school to paint.

The school council would also like to hold a bake sale during the afternoon. We will be baking cakes in school and selling tea and cake after the eisteddfod.

Any donations of extra cakes for us to sell would be very much appreciated.

Everyone from the community is very welcome to come along for the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you!

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