Newsletter June 26 2015

Ysgol Bro Cynllaith  Newsletter


Cycling proficiency for Year 5 pupils – CHANGE OF DATE

This will take place next Wednesday 1st July. Could pupils in Year 5 bring in their bikes and helmets for a 9am start. Hopefully they will complete the training in 1 day!


The Estyn inspectors have now finished inspecting the school. Everything went smoothly, however I am unable to share any judgements with you until their findings are published on August 25th. This is due to the fact that any judgements are subject to change by Estyn monitors.

Gates to the panda area

Some of you will have noticed that the gates to the school panda area have been closed recently. This is now going to be a permanent arrangement. Please could you walk around the front of the school and collect your children from the school yard as usual. Thank you very much.

PTFA meeting.

There will be a PTFA meeting after school on Monday 29th June. The meeting will focus predominantly on the upcoming school fundraiser by the New Rope String Band at the village hall on Saturday 11th July.

School website

We would all like to say a great big thank you to Malcolm and Sara Jones for taking on the unenviable task of getting to grips with our new school website. I know that it has taken hours of their time to upload photographs and documents. If you have the time, please have a look and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Both Malcolm and Sara have agreed to maintain the website, so if you have any ideas or want to contribute in any way then please let them or I know. Thank you both again for all your hard work, it is very much appreciated. The website address is:

Sainsbury’s vouchers

Thank you to everyone for collecting the vouchers. We had over 10,000 to spend and have sent our order in. You should see some new additions around the school in the Autumn!

Piano lessons

Unfortunately Patrick Gough will not be teaching piano at the school for the foreseeable future, due to health reasons. We wish him a speedy recovery.



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