Newsletter Jan 15 2016



Ysgol Bro Cynllaith




Welcome back to a new school year Croeso’n ộl i blwyddyn ysgol newydd.


New pupils

We are very pleased to welcome two new pupils this term – Emma Dorsett, who has joined Year 6 and Emily Ann Evans, who has joined the Reception class.

Staff additions

We are pleased to welcome Caity Higgins, an education student from Cardiff University to our school. She will be with us every Monday. Also Mr Hardway, who will be teaching music every Thursday afternoon. They will both be with us until Easter.

Film Club & Dragon Sports

Film club started again this week and Dragon Sports will start on Tuesday 26th January.

Forthcoming sporting events

On two consecutive Fridays (29th January and Friday 4th February), some pupils in Year 5 & 6 will be attending Llanfyllin High school for netball and athletics events. They will need a packed lunch and need to leave school at 11.30am. They will be back by the end of the school day. We would be very grateful if you could indicate on the pro forma below if you would be able to help transport pupils either to or from the events.

Dinner money

I have been informed that we have a great deal of dinner money outstanding this week.

Please be reminded that dinner money needs to be paid for EVERY WEEK (preferably on a Monday for the forthcoming week’s meals).

If you are on a low income, (total household income less than £16,190) you can get help with the cost of school meals. You can also get help with clothing costs if you have a child who is moving up to Year 7.

Please click on the link below or type into your web browser for more information.

After school arrangements

Some pupils are unsure about who is picking them up and where they are meant to go to after school. It would be beneficial to let us know, either via text or a note stating what the arrangements are for the week. This would alleviate any confusion at home time!

Also parents need to ensure they are here to pick up pupils promptly following Film Club/Dragon Sports at 4.15pm, or we may presume they are going to Clwb Cynllaith. Thank you for your cooperation.


Netball – Friday 29th January Athletics – Friday 5th February

I can help transport ____ pupils TO the event. I can help transport ____ pupils TO the event.

I can help transport ____ pupils FROM the event. I can help transport ____ pupils FROM the event.

Parent of_________________________________ Parent of _______________________________