Newsletter 23rd June 2017



Newyddion Ysgol Bro Cynllaith News


School trip to Hoo Farm on Wednesday 28th June

Pupils can bring a maximum of £5 to spend in the shop. They can also bring hand held devices to entertain them on the journey, but these will remain on the bus and are the sole responsibility of the pupils.


Fire Safety Denise and Hannah from the Powys Fire Service came to speak to the pupils on Thursday 15th June. It was especially poignant due to the recent fire in London. The pupils learnt many important facts, were given valuable advice and asked some excellent questions.

Goodbye Mr Lewis Mr Lewis has now completed his placement and is applying for teaching posts nearer to his home in the south of England. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed his lessons and weekly football club. We will miss him, but wish him all the best in his future career.

Football fun day

Pennant fun day was held on Saturday 17th June. There was some excellent football played, in some challenging heat – well done to you all.


The Berwyn School of Music event, with Patrick Gough and Vera van Heeringen. After a highly successful performance last year, students of the Berwyn School of Music will be entertaining library goers again this July, in the library’s foyer. This will be held on Saturday 1st July, between 10am and 2pm. Everyone is welcome.

Drowning Awareness Week Many pupils learnt about water safety on Monday 19th June as part of Drowning Prevention Week. They were taught about the safest way to help someone get out of the water if they were in difficulty. They also learnt about the different coloured flags displayed on British beaches and their very important meanings.

Mini Medics – First Aid for Children

I have been asked to share a training event, which will be held during the Summer holidays – please see over leaf for details.



Wed 28th Jun – Whole School Trip to Hoo Farm, Telford.

Thu 29th Jun – Area Sports at High School 10am-2pm (note change of date)

Tue 4th Jul – Science in Sport at Oswestry School (Year 5)

Wed/Thu 5th& 6th July – Year 6 to high school (transition days)

Fri 14th July – KS2 Sports event at High School

Thu 20th July – Leavers’ assembly 2.30pm

Fri 21st July – Break up

Mon 4th Sept – Back to school

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