The school is following the guidance from the Welsh Government and Public Health Wales for education settings. This information is being relayed to us as things develop. Please be advised that any information will be shared with you as soon as we get it.
Please see the advice below from Dr Alun Flynn, Principal Educational Psychologist for Powys.
Coronavirus – talking with children
As communities and schools in Powys work towards preventing the spread of coronavirus with precautionary measures, it is likely that children’s awareness of the outbreak is growing.
Here are seven simple ideas for adults on how to guide the conversation with children about the coronavirus outbreak.
- Be calm, honest, and informed.
- Tailor your approach based on your child—think about whether more information makes them more or less anxious.
- Share facts simply and calmly—children take their cue from you.
- Ask your child what they know, answer their questions and address any misinformation.
- Validate their feelings, while reassuring them- “I understand this can be scary. The risk is still low, and we’re well prepared.”
- Remind them of what’s in their power—washing hands thoroughly and often, coughing and sneezing into their elbow, getting plenty of sleep; what they are doing to keep safe. Explain that people wearing masks are being extra cautious.
- Model good hygiene, and try to make it fun! Think of or create a favourite song to sing while scrubbing hands for at least 20 seconds.
Further information