Dear Parents,
As you are aware there will be a partial re-opening of schools from Monday 29th June. Thankyou to everyone who completed the Powys questionnaire indicating your intentions. I just wanted to share some of the early details with you to enable you to prepare.
In the Llanfyllin Cluster, pupils will have the opportunity to come into school for one day per week, (a maximum of 4 days in 4 weeks).
Pupils and staff will be kept in social ‘bubbles’ throughout the day and will not be mixing with any other ‘bubbles’.
We are in the process of planning the layout of the classrooms and corridors to enable 2 metre social distancing and also a one-way system around the school site. Pupils will not be required to wear school uniform, however they can if they wish.
Pupils will have their own chair and desk space and can bring in their own pencil case. We will provide equipment if they haven’t got it.
They will need to bring a packed lunch, ideally in a hard container, which will be eaten at their desk. Pupils will also need to bring in their own water bottles as the water fountains will be out of use.
We will not be using the village hall for dining or for PE and will be spending as much time as possible outside.
I will be in touch later this week with further details and a timetable indicating which day your child is in.
In the meantime if you have any questions then please get in touch.
Mrs R. Jones