We hope you have all had a wonderful break. It looks like it will be another busy half term. Our new topic is ‘Sing a Song – Paint a Picture’.
Swimming lessons continue every Friday until December 15th (Friday 22nd is a Non-pupil day). So we break up for Christmas on Thursday 21st December.
Next Friday 10th November is BBC Children in Need. We will discuss with the children tomorrow what they would like to do!
Pupil Progress meetings will be taking place this half term – invitations will be sent out to parents within the next few weeks.
We will be taking part in Anti-bullying week w/b 13th November and also Road Safety Week w/b 20th November.
On Tuesday 5th December we will be going to Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury to see their annual pantomime, which this year is Jack and the Beanstalk – more details to follow.
Christmas Jumper Day is on Thursday 7th December.
The children will be performing a show in the village hall this December – date to follow.