A survey to establish parents’ perception of the support Powys schools give to children and young people, particularly those with an Additional Learning Need (ALN) has been launched.
The survey is intended for all parents/carers regardless of whether or not their child or young person is on the ALN register.
The survey is part of research and improvement work that Powys County Council is carrying out into ALN provision within Powys.
“Councillor Myfanwy Alexander is the council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for Education. She commented: “Provision for our young people who have additional learning needs is changing in Powys in response to new legislation and we are very keen that these young people and their families are at the heart of the changes in the service.”
“We have already held some productive pre-consultation events relating to our specialist centres and the next step is this survey. It would be very helpful if our youngsters and their families could take the opportunity to fill in the survey so that we can understand their experiences fully and work together to shape this service for the future.’
The survey is available online at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3MFVKNL until midnight on Sunday June 2nd, 2019.
The survey is also available via the Current consultations page on the Powys County Council website : https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/790/Current-Consultations