Latest information

Upcoming dates –

Break up tomorrow, Friday 28th May for half term – returning to school on Tuesday 8th June.

Wednesday 9th June – School/Class Photos

Thursday 10th June – Mr Rudge (High School) meeting with Year 6 on Teams.

Week beginning 14th June – Parents evening meetings. Please respond to the email if you haven’t done so already.

Friday 2nd July – Year 6 pupils transition to High School 9am – 3pm (parents to transport).

Friday 2nd July – New intake for Sept 2021 Taster day 1

Monday 5th July – New intake for Sept 2021 Taster day 2

Wednesday 7th July – Bag2School collection

Wednesday 14th July – Eco Schools Green Flag Assessment

Friday 16th July – Break up for Summer holidays

Other Arrangements

Due to Powys guidelines, we continue to be restricted by Covid. At the moment parents cannot come into school for any parents evenings, leavers service, sports day, etc. as any face to face contact needs to be kept at a minimum.

We intend to record the leavers service, which will be held sometime during the last week of term, i.e. w/c 12th July. This recording will then be shared with parents.

Unfortunately, we are also unable to arrange a school trip at this time.

In the unlikely event that the guidelines change then we will let parents know.

Thankyou for your continued support. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth barhaus.


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